Outdoor Activities Down Among Young AdultsBeginning Sign of Nature Deficit?The survey research firm of Roper has identified a fast-developing decline in outdoor activities among young adults ages 18-29. These include hiking, biking and other classic outdoor recreation pursuits. In a
2003 report, Roper identified the recent shift (compared to its 2001 and prior studies of outdoor recreation). The study also finds an increase in the use of "electronics" in leisure-time. People aged 30 to 44 (25%) and aged 45 to 59 (22%) are more likely to be "frequent" recreators than the 18-29 group (19%) -- this is a first. The researched was commissioned by the American Recreation Coalition and is part of a series that can be viewed at
www.funoutdoors.comMaking sure our kids are getting more time outside -- a
green hour (av.) per day -- is also key to later adult outdoor activity habits.