We're moving to GREENHOUR.ORG!
It's been over a year now since I began this blog to discuss “nature deficit disorder” and its effects on the current generation of children. We've talked about the increased incidence of ADHD and childhood obesity, compromised immune systems, and a host of other risks associated with the increased time today’s children are spending staring at electronic screens. Now, it’s time to get practical with some simple solutions you and your family can make a part of your everyday lives. Please join the National Wildlife Federation on our new website, www.greenhour.org. Here you will find information, tools and inspiration for parents and other caring adults. Rich in family-friendly content, the website hosts a supportive virtual community where you can learn, explore and share your outdoor experiences and backyard adventures.
With this entry, the Green Hour Blog will officially move to this new website. Please visit -- and be sure to subscribe to our new RSS feed to receive blog updates in your browser or feed reader!
Twice a month in this blog, I will present information and ideas on "nature deficit," its long-term effects on kids, and -- most importantly -- how a Green Hour program can help. Weekly, the website will describe many things parents and other adults can do to help kids get out more and connect to nature and to themselves.
We hope that you will join us in making the Green Hour a part of your family's lifestyle and sign-up to be a member of the Green Hour Community.
Labels: Green Hour, Nature Deficit