One Backyard at a TimeOur
Green Hour Program is about nature that is easily accessible to children and families. Let's try to get outside an hour a day in a green space of your choice starting close-to-home. Recently Discovery's Animal Planet teamed up with the
National Wildlife Federation on a new TV series called
Backyard Habitat. It premiered today and is another example of how the electonic media can be a good thing when it encourages people to get outside in green spaces and be more active. Backyard Habitat will air each weekday through September. It supports the simple idea that every home-owner and apartment dweller can create a "backyard" wildlife habtitat. It can be large-scale or it can be as tiny as a few potted plants, a feeder and a bird bath on a balcony in the city. The main idea is we need to keep finding ways to connect with nature and to help others do so even if it is just through one backyard at a time.